Mission: The March for Life is committed to promoting unconditional respect for human life from conception to natural death. We call for the adoption of supportive policies for people whose lives are threatened by hardship and suffering, in order to repair the culture in which life is respected and infringements of the right to life are unthinkable. We oppose all texts and decisions that falsely claim that the direct and intentional killing of an innocent human being can be a solution or that aim to create a (constitutional) right to it, since the right to life is the first of all and belongs to every human being.
Commitment and awareness: We recognise the importance of personal commitment and the mobilisation of civil society to guarantee every human being's right to life. Our mission is to make society aware of the seriousness of any attack on this fundamental right.
Right to Information: Every woman has the right to be fully informed about the alternatives to abortion and the possible physical and psychological consequences. This right to accurate and objective information must be guaranteed by the public authorities, the media and anyone accompanying a woman in distress.
Compassion and Support: We are committed to supporting and offering a new perspective to women who have undergone an abortion, dissociating ourselves from any form of judgement, condemnation or stigmatisation of them.
Distinction in matters of medical intervention: We make a clear distinction between abortion, the purpose of which is to end the life of an unborn child, and medical intervention aimed at saving the life of the mother, even if the death of the child, not sought in itself, is an inevitable consequence (doctrine of double effect).
Opposition to Euthanasia: We reject all forms of euthanasia, defined as any action or omission (by nature or intention) intended to bring about the death of a human being after birth in order to eliminate suffering. We are also opposed to the use of "over-zealous" treatment and advocate the development of palliative care as a genuinely humane alternative.
Opposition to all forms of surrogacy: Surrogacy, in all its forms, whether commercial or so-called "altruistic", is considered contrary to the dignity of women and children. In essence, it is the commodification of a woman's body, the commercialisation of a child and the programmed abandonment of the child by the woman who bore and nurtured it. GPA is a form of exploitation that should not be legalised but explicitly prohibited.
Section 2: Principles of inclusion and non-violence
Pluralism and Inclusivity: The March for Life is a pluralist movement open to all, whatever one's religious or philosophical beliefs, nationality or ethnic origin, to defend together respect for Life and Human Dignity.
Political neutrality: The March for Life is a citizens' initiative, independent of any political party.
Pacifism: The March is a peaceful demonstration. Any form of violence, including verbal violence, is unacceptable. Participants will adopt a dignified and peaceful attitude towards any counter-protesters, regardless of the latter's attitude towards the March and its participants, thereby respecting everyone's freedom of expression.
Section 3: Official communication and media
Media communication: Only officially approved statements can be considered to represent the opinion of the Organisation.
Section 4: Commitment and responsability of the participants
Respect for the authorities: Participants shall respect the instructions of the local authorities and police. Any failure to respect law enforcement agencies will result in exclusion from the March.
Symbols and representation of other beliefs and affiliations of participants: In order to guarantee the dignity, respectful nature and neutrality of the March, only symbols, banners, flags (with the exception of national, regional and provincial flags) and signs explicitly approved by the President or his delegate are permitted. Any distribution of leaflets by or for the benefit of any other association or any other initiative is subject to the explicit approval of the President or his delegate. All decent and legal dress is permitted.
Commitment to respect the Charter: Each participant shall respect this Charter. Any person failing to comply with the charter may be excluded from the March by the President or his delegate, and may be permanently banned from any CLARA Life event by decision of the Board of Directors, in accordance with the Statutes.