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2024 - March for Life 21 avril
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On Sunday 21 April, the CLARA Life Association called for mobilisation in the heart of Brussels. The 2024 objective of the March for Life in Belgium is to raise public awareness of the need to promote a culture of life in our country, in the face of recent alarming legislative proposals to extend access to abortion to 18 weeks, to authorise euthanasia for people with dementia, and to consider euthanasia as an option for making savings on social security.

2022 - March for Life of April 24th
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In May it will be 20 years ago that euthanasia was allowed in Belgium. Since then, 24,522 declarations of euthanasia have been registered. Euthanasia has been legalized for minors and some politicians want to allow it for people who cannot express their will. This way, the dignity of the elderly, people with dementia or who suffer from depression, disabled or sick people is systematically violated. It has also become clear in recent years that the Euthanasia Evaluation Committee doesn't function properly and that the concept of psychological suffering is becoming increasingly vague. That is why some psychiatrists advocate a ban on euthanasia for psychological suffering.
![2020 - All Together for Life [COVID-19]](
2020 - All Together for Life [COVID-19]
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Even during the corona crisis, we were able to mobilize to protect the lives of the weakest. Normally we would have organized our annual March for Life, but this year we obviously had to do it differently. We have proposed three actions.